Sunday, 30 March 2014




1.  Phillip’s ______ tone endeared him to his
comical friends, but irritated his serious
a. aloof
b. jesting
c. grave
d. earnest
e. conservative

2. Brian’s pale Irish skin was _____________ to
burn if he spent too much time in the sun.
a. prone
b. urbane
c. eminent
d. erect
e. daunted

3. Over the years, the Wilsons slowly
_____________ upon the Jacksons’ property,
moving the stone markers that divided their
lots farther and farther onto the Jacksons’
a. encroached
b. jettisoned
c. conjoined
d. repudiated
e. teemed

4. His suit of armor made the knight
_____________ to his enemy’s attack, and he
was able to escape safely to his castle.
a. vulnerable
b. churlish
c. invulnerable
d. static
e. imprudent

5. Choosing a small, fuel-efficient car is a(n)
_____________ purchase for a recent college
a. corrupt
b. tedious
c. unhallowed
d. sardonic
e. judicious

6. With all of the recent negative events in her
life, she felt _____________ forces must be
at work.
a. resurgent
b. premature
c. malignant
d. punctilious
e. antecedent

7. The _____________ rumors did a great deal
of damage, even though they turned out to be
a. bemused
b. prosaic
c. apocryphal
d. ebullient
e. tantamount

8. Racha’s glance was a _____________
invitation to speak later in private about
events of the meeting.
a. trecherous
b. scintillating
c. tactful
d. tacit
e. taboo

9. She reached the _____________ of her career
with her fourth novel, which won the Pulitzer
a. harbinger
b. apogee
c. metamorphosis
d. dictum
e. synthesis

10. The governor-elect was hounded by a group
of _____________ lobbyists and others
hoping to gain favor with her administration.
a. facetious
b. abstruse
c. magnanimous
d. fawning
e. saccharine

11. The busy, _____________ fabric of the
clown’s tie matched his oversized jacket, which
was equally atrocious.
a. mottled
b. bleak
c. credible
d. malleable
e. communicable

12. Kendrick’s talent _____________ under the
tutelage of Anya Kowalonek, who as a young
woman had been the most accomplished
pianist in her native Lithuania.
a. bantered
b. touted
c. flourished
d. embellished
e. colluded

13. The children were _____________ by the
seemingly nonsensical clues until Kinan
pointed out that the messages were in code.
a. censured
b. striated
c. feigned
d. prevaricated
e. flummoxed

14. As the _____________ in Romeo and Juliet,
Romeo is a hero able to capture the audience’s
sympathy by continually professing his love
for Juliet.
a. protagonist
b. enigma
c. facade
d. activist
e. catechist

15. I have always admired Seymour’s
_____________; I’ve never seen him rattled
by anything.
a. aplomb
b. confluence
c. propriety
d. compunction
e. nostalgia

16. The soldiers received a military
_____________ to inspect all their vehicles
before traveling.
a. allotment
b. dominion
c. affectation
d. calculation
e. mandate

17. The curious crowd gathered to watch the irate
customer _____________ about the poor
service he received in the restaurant.
a. antiquate
b. trivialize
c. rant
d. placate
e. fetter

18. Ron didn’t know the rules of rugby, but he
could tell by the crowd’s reaction that it was a
critical _____________ in the game.
a. acclamation
b. conviction
c. juncture
d. enigma
e. revelation

19. The _____________ sound of the radiator as
it released steam became an increasingly
annoying distraction.
a. sibilant
b. scintillating
c. diverting
d. sinuous
e. scurrilous

20. In such a small office setting, the office
manager found he had _____________
responsibilities that required knowledge in a
variety of different areas.
a. heedless
b. complementary
c. mutual
d. manifold
e. correlative

 ANSWERS With Explanation ::

1. b. Jesting (adj.) means characterized by making
jests; joking; playful.
2. a. Prone (adj.) means having a tendency or
inclination to something.
3. a. To encroach (v.) means to gradually or
stealthily take the rights or possessions of
another; to advance beyond proper or formal
limits; trespass.
4. c. Invulnerable (adj.) means incapable of
being damaged or wounded; unassailable
or invincible.
5. e. Judicious (adj.) means being wise or prudent;
showing good judgment; sensible.
6. c. Malignant (adj.) means disposed to cause
distress or inflict suffering intentionally;
inclining to produce death or injury.
7. c. Apocryphal (adj.) means of questionable
authenticity or doubtful authority;
fictitious, false.
8. d. Tacit (adj.) means unspoken yet
9. b. Apogee (n.) means the highest or farthest
point, culmination; the point in its orbit
where a satellite is at the greatest distance
from the body it is orbiting.
10. d. Fawning (adj.) means attempting to win
favor or attention by excessive flattery,
ingratiating displays of affection, or servile
compliance; obsequious.
11. a. Mottled (adj.) means blotched or spotted
with different colors or shades.
12. c. To flourish (v.) is (of artists) to be in a state
of high productivity, excellence, or influence;
to grow luxuriously, thrive; to fare
well, prosper, increase in wealth, honor,
comfort or whatever is desirable; to make
bold, sweeping movements.
13. e. To flummox (v.) is to confuse, perplex,
14. a. A protagonist (n.) is the main character in a
15. a. Aplomb (n.) is self-assurance, composure,
poise, especially under strain.
16. e. Mandate (n.) is a command or authoritative
instruction; an authorization.
17. c. To rant (v.) means to speak loudly, vehemently,
or violently.
18. c. Juncture (n.) is a point of time, especially
one that is significant.
19. a. Sibilant (adj.) means characterized by a
hissing sound.
20. d. Manifold (adj.) means many and varied; of
many kinds; multiple.

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