Saturday, 30 March 2013

  • Life has always been an uncertain thing. To be secure against unpleasant possibilities, always requires the utmost resourcefulness and foresight on the part of man. To pray or to pay for protection is the spirit of the humanity. Man has been accustomed to pray God for protection and security from time immemorial. 

  • In modern days Insurance Companies want him to pay for protection and security. The insurance man says "God helps those who help themselves"; probably he is correct. Too many people in this country are not in employment; and work for too many no longer guarantees income security. Several millions are part-time, self employed and low-earning workers living under pitiable circumstances where there is no security cover against risk. Further the inherent changing employment risks, the prospect of continual change in the work place with its attendant threats of unemployment and low pay especially after the adoption of New Economic Policy and the imminent life cycle risks - a new source of insecurity which includes the changing demands of family life, separation, divorce and elderly dependents 􀂱 are tormenting the society. Risk has become central to one's life. It is within this background life insurance policy has been introduced by the insurance companies covering risks at various levels. Life insurance coverage is against disablement or in the event of death of the insured, economic support for the dependents. It is a measure of social security to livelihood for the insured or dependents. This is to make the right to life meaningful, worth living and right to livelihood a means for sustenance. 

  • Therefore, it goes without saying that an appropriate life insurance policy within the paying capacity and means of the insured to pay premium is one of the social security measures envisaged under the Indian Constitution. Hence, right to social security, protection of the family, economic empowerment to the poor and disadvantaged are integral part of the right to life and dignity of the person guaranteed in the constitution. 

  • Man finds his security in income (money) which enables him to buy food, clothing, shelter and other necessities of life. A person has to earn income not only for himself but also for his dependents, viz., wife and children. He has to provide legally for his family needs, and so he has to keep aside something regularly for a rainy day and for his old age. This fundamental need for security for self and dependents proved to be the mother of invention of the institution of life insurance.

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